We've Got New Music, Yo! (and a Limited Edition CD)
This is the first time that they are following a formal plan for release, instead of throwing it out there pretty willy nilly to see what would stick. Therefore, they are using the “Russian Doll” method of launching, where they will release a single a month from Record Store Day 2020 until all 15 songs have dropped. This will give them opportunities to engage with their fans and fellow artist community in some creative ways.
What KIND of music is it?
The music on this album is decidedly funky. In fact, it is the album that harkens back to the funk of Sly Stone and Prince, along with a little Rick James--and just a smidge of Lenny Kravitz--thrown in for flavor. It’s the album that we wanted to hear for funk fans of love that music of yesterday, but we’re ready for some new songs.

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